LSEG Video 伦敦证券交易所视频集锦(英文版) Posted on 01/01/202007/01/2020 by seasilkfund 来源于伦敦证券交易所网站 视频: 创新之年——伦敦证券交易所2019年回顾( A year on London Stock Exchange. Watch some of our highlights from 2019. ) 视频:金融科技时代的来临,伦敦证券交易所始终引领股票交易世界最前沿。In 2018 LSEG published its landmark ‘Finance for Fintech’ report, based on research with more than 400 fintech companies across 8 countries. The report highlighted the international growth ambitions of fintechs. It also showed that 85% expected to raise money on public markets within the next three years, highlighting London as a top three listing destination. One year on from that report, LSEG has taken an opportunity to reflect on those findings. LSEG has reviewed the data and taken further soundings with market participants. Its insights have been borne out by the facts. What they tell LSEG is that 2019 will be the year in which fintech truly comes of age. 视频: 【Access a diverse universe of liquidity provision】London Stock Exchange’s fully automated workflow brings together access to a diverse universe of liquidity provision, on-exchange and with Central Counterparty Clearing. Functionality will be supported for all CCP-cleared Equities, ETPs and Depositary Receipts. 视频: Blue Prism finds the right platform for growth with AIM 视频: Mortgage Advice Bureau finds IPO the ideal home for growth 视频: Everyman IPO supports big screen ambitions 视频: 伦敦投资基金 阿斯顿马丁伦敦证券交易所上市之路Aston Martin: A landmark IPO. ade in Britain. 视频: 从1964年的《金手指》开始,代号“007”的英国特工詹姆斯·邦德就有了一部新的座驾——阿斯顿马丁,让其蜚声全球。随后的50多年,全球记住的不止是詹姆斯·邦德,还有其专属座驾阿斯顿·马丁。2008年10约,比肩法拉利的跑车顶尖品牌阿斯顿马丁在伦敦证券交易所正式上市交易。公司估值约为45亿英镑,市盈率倍数与法拉利相当。2017年,阿斯顿马丁全球销量超过5000辆,收入增长48%达到了8.76亿英镑,税前利润达到8700万英镑。1987年,阿斯顿马丁被美国福特公司收购,后者的资金和技术让公司从小众化转向成熟生产,2007年,英国人大卫·理查德从福特手上收购了阿斯顿马丁,这家老牌英国豪车也“回到”了故土。 视频: London Stock Exchange plc CEO Nikhil Rathi and Head of UK Primary Markets & AIM Marcus Stuttard highlight the benefits of listing in London. 视频: CEO Dr Andy Palmer discusses plans for Aston Martin Lagonda’s Second Century and why it was vital to put the company in the public arena. 视频: Two key advisors to Aston Martin Lagonda share their story on the landmark IPO. 视频: Four members of Aston Martin Lagonda staff describe what the IPO means to them. 点击查看欧洲(英国)上市相关信息 点击查看伦敦证券交易所相关信息 点击查看伦敦证券交易所主板上市相关信息与规则 点击查看伦敦证券交易所“高增长市场”AIM( 英国创业板)上市相关信息与规则 伦敦2018年度投资基金(英文版) 伦敦证券交易所视频集锦(英文版)
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